Monday, March 11, 2013

March 4, 2013


Hope everyone has had a good week. We've had a very busy one. We honestly worked like dogs this last week! We were really able to see the blessings throughout the week as well. I started the week with an exchange in Southport. I was with Elder Caleira from Portugal. It was a lot of fun and we saw a lot of miracles throughout the day. Southport is a really nice area right next to the ocean. It's basically a place for rich people and retired people. haha. I got some really good news as well from the Southport Elders a few nights ago. They told me they got a call from Steve and Naomi. They're moving from Blackburn to Southport! I'll get to still see them on exchanges. I was pretty excited about that and I'm sure Southport is as well. Not every day a family of six moves into the ward.

We faced some pretty good trials this week. We were literally just out in the street finding all week. Not many teaching appointments our anything. We walked a ton and poke to a lot of people. Elder Peterson and I were both on the verge of just collapsing from exhaustion a few times (not really haha) We knew good things would happen though. We went into church on Sunday with pretty high expectations. After the first hour the young women's president pulled us aside and said that she had a girl who wanted to be baptized. BOOM! she said she would set it up and get back to us on it. Blessings always come. We were able to find a lot of other people to teach this week as well. Our teaching pool is growing. St. Helens is about to get wet(Baptized!). 

Everything is going really well here. So much has happened that it's hard to know where to start. My brain is honestly friend from this past week and all the work. We've been coming home every night and just collapsing into bed! I've never appreciated sleep more in my life!  This upcoming Sunday is the English mothers day. It's a bit earlier than ours but Happy Mother's Day all you Mom's! haha. Random thought as well, We walked past a Domino's pizza and saw a poster for the new "hot dog stuffed crust pizza"...What's that about? looks disgusting. and In other news we no longer have to proselyte with Suit jackets on! It' still pretty cold so I probably will anyways. It's white shirts until November! Well I need to get going. sorry it's so short but the fire alarm went off so we had to leave and come back so we don't have much time.

Here is my spiritual thought for the week!

I think sometimes in life we look at things with a very limited perspective. We can't really see past what's right in front of us. In 2 Kings 6 it tells the story of how the servant of Elisha the prophet had the same problem. In the middle of the night enemies surround the house where he and Elisha are and the wake up to chariots and horses right outside there door. He says "Alas, my master! how shall we do?" Elisha responds, "Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them." And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha. (2 Kings 6:8-18). Even when you don't see or feel it, you're never alone!

Love you all!
- Elder Ford

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