Another week has come and gone. England is preparing for Christmas as well. They had a pretty big lighting ceremony in the town where we live so now the town center is all lit up with christmas lights. Nothing like our house looks like though. England can't really do Christmas lights because all the houses are connected. It's pretty different.
Thigns have been pretty busy. We've been trying to figure out the area a bit. Since there are two companionships in Blackburn now we jsut split the teaching pool in half. We're trying to work in new areas that we haven't been able to go before as well. It was a difficult first few days but things are moving along. We're teaching some great people.
There are also going to be two Baptisms in Blackburn on Saturday. Umesh and Judith! It's going to be pretty exciting. Umesh has been investigating for almost three years now so it's been a long time coming. Judith is the sister of Sylvia who was baptized my first week here in Blackburn. We've been blessed to have a lot of success in Blackburn. There is still so much potential in our teaching pools as well. We have 3 families that we're teaching and all of them are great!
Elder Reali and I are Enjoying our time. It's a bit different being with a brand new missionary. I've almiost forgotten what it's like to be new. Sometimes I'll forget he's now and just start doing things without explaining why we do it. We do a lot of study as well. For new missionaries we do an extra hour of companion study to help them learn the lessons and to practice teaching. Elder Reali is also trying to learn English so we do an hour of language study. It's a lot of study A total of 4 hours a day! His English is improving steadily though. The language has been a bit of a barrier but we're working through it. The English/Italian dictionary has been our third companion..and the spirit of course. haha.
I'm learnign a lot about patience as well. I've been reminded about how difficult the transition into missionary life is. You have to do a lot of things that are extremelly uncomfortable. I've had to be very patient and help him to make the adjustments. It's been a great learning experience for both of us.
I'm looking forward to this transfer. We're going to the temple this week for one of our Zone Conferences, We have a christmas meal at the mission home later this transfer, and Christmas and new years. It's going to be pretty exciting. Plus, I'll get to Skype home. I'm really going to try and enjoy the holliday season because it might be the only i get since President Preston usally sends the January group home for Christmas. I've heard that Christmas's on your mission are the best. It's hard to believe it's already almost Christmas again! Time is cruising
Well, things are going great here. No complaints. Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Love you all. Talk to you next week!
Love Elder Ford
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